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What time should you be hosting Thanksgiving dinner?

November 1, 2019

Would the right time to host Thanksgiving (lunch, brunch, dinner) be 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm or 8 pm?

shared by Jessica Santiago

When hosting, plan ahead!  You must have enough time to plan, prepare and refresh before your guests arrive.  If you are an early riser, go for one of the earlier times.  If you know you wont be up and out of bed until the rooster has crowed and done gone and taken its mid-morning nap, 4-6 or 8 pm may be the better option.

Noon is lunchtime. Noon may be too early because people are enjoying their day off, sleeping in and catching the Macy’s Day parade!. Your guests probably don’t even have an outfit picked out by then.

2 pm is a possibility IF YOU ARE AN EARLY RISER!  Remember, you will need hours for the turkey to roast, sides to prep…  The good thing about asking guests to arrive at 2 pm is that the event could possibly end at a decent hour allowing you a few minutes of downtime before bedtime!

4 pm is a safe bet! Still early enough to enjoy the heavy meal and a sampling of the 10 dessert options.

6 pm boring. Playing it way to safe and the night will never end!

8 pm Is just torture! Everyone is starving and have other places to go. Some people have that night planned and will already be in line at BEST BUY or Walmart for the Black Friday rush.

After evaluating the options, we vote for a mid-day Thanksgiving dinner. Historically, dinner doesn’t refer to an evening meal at all. The word “Dinner” actually refers to the feast of the day, regardless of what time one eats it. So, in the end, what is the appropriate time for a proper Thanksgiving dinner? The answer is that there is none. The best time for dinner is whatever works best for the hosts and guests. Keep family traditions or start a new one with your loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving from On Point Executive Center






