You’ve just started the startup of your dreams. You have your first customers. You have a virtual office in beautiful, Tampa Florida, and you even get to work remotely! Things should be perfect, right? Not always. And that’s okay.

When things don’t go right with your startup right out of the gate, you may be feeling the pressure. But the reality is that most startups don’t work out as you planned, and most don’t end up as successful as the next Facebook.  Take a step back and try this…

Plan ahead:

The fundamental reason that most startups flounder instead of flying off the ground is that they don’t plan ahead, leaping head-first into things without solid footing. Make sure you have a balanced business plan that includes all aspects of your business, from the products or service down to your taxes. If there are things you aren’t able to work out on your own, don’t be afraid to outsource.

Be open to challenges:

Things not going as planned is not necessarily a bad thing– you can learn a lot about yourself when challenges come your way. Is there a problem you just can’t seem to get over? Take a step back and look at it another way. The most important thing is that you don’t get frustrated and throw in the towel at the first sign of distress.

Don’t go at it alone:

Maybe you’re the sole employee at your brand-new company, but that doesn’t mean you’re at this alone. Surround yourself with the people in your life who encourage you, even if they don’t always understand what you’re doing. Outsourcing, hiring someone by the hour, or asking networks online for advice can sometimes be a great option when you start small.

Observe those you admire:

Maybe a coffee date with a business owner whose style you admire is in order? Make a date and ask them some questions about the ins and outs of running their business.  You might be able to catch a few pointers from a seasoned owner.

For small businesses, a virtual office may help you overcome some of those challenges that most startups face. Call us at (813)-350-7800 to learn more about how a virtual office can benefit you.
