We recently saw an article on Entrepreneur.com about selling using social media without being pushy. Given that social media is how business owners can directly connect and engage with customers and potential customers it’s also easy to offer sales promotions and mention the latest products and services as well. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to sell via social media. Here are our favorite takeaways from the article:
Find out where your target clients are hanging out online. Believe it or not everyone’s not on Facebook or twitter or Pinterest or your favorite social media platform. Some people are on all of them, whereas others prefer one over the others. You need to decide which tool will be best to use for you to interact with your customers and potential customers.
Post fresh and quality content. Every post shouldn’t be a sales pitch. Instead you could mention an article you saw that you thought would resonate with your audience or link to a blog post you have written that is also something your target market would want to read. You could also post poles and questions to hone in on what your customers want to see from you and your company.
Show what you’re offering and why it’s worth paying for. People want to know why they should use your products or services. Are you solving a problem for them? Let them know what problem you are solving and how you’re solving it.
Provide a call to action. Instead of coming right out and saying “buy now” tell them where they can go to get more information. For example, for more information about our virtual offices and services at On Point Executive Center, visit our website at http://onpointexecutivecenter.com/, call us at (813) 350-7800 or email us at info@onpointexecutivecenter.com today!
Check out the full article here.
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