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How Virtual Receptionists Save Your Business This Holiday Season

December 16, 2019

It has arrived. 

The familiar jingle of holiday tunes, the alluring come-hither of Black Friday deals, and even cold temps. 

The holiday season is here.

Each year, the holidays arrive earlier and earlier, and while there are many a grumble, we secretly delight in the thrill of huge savings on all the things we need and even the ones we don’t. 

Holiday nostalgia and irresistible indulgence come together to create a demand that arrives fast and furious, fizzling out just as quickly. 

Now is the time to act, or you might miss your opportunity for quick success.

The next months bring endless opportunities for your business. 

With a virtual receptionistfrom On Point Executive Center, you can boost sales, increase productivity, and elevate customer experience all at the same time. 

This holiday season is your chance to grow.

We are here to help you do it.

Why Do I Need a Virtual Receptionist This Holiday Season?

Statista estimates $729.3 billion will be spent this holiday seasonin retail sales. E-commerce is growing just as quickly, too, and can account for up to 30% of your annual revenue. 

You can boost your business in just two months with benefits that will last year-round.

With that opportunity comes great responsibility. 

Advertising means you will face a much higher demand, and no matter what you do for a living, you need to prepare. Everyone needs a little help sometimes, particularly during the seasonal rush.

A virtual receptionist could be the perfect solution for your business.

With professional virtual receptionists and a consistent live answering system, we will help you handle the phones and organize your leads so you can focus on sales, marketing, and brand management.

Here is how it will help your business.

Lots of PTO

Just like the holidays affect your sales, it will affect your staff, too.

There are kids recitals and holiday events, last-minute deadlines, self care days and projects to complete before the new year. 

Even a bout of the flu can cost you your best employees at a time when you need them most.

No matter what happens this holiday season, you need to ensure your business still runs smoothly.

Holidays also bring overtime and holiday pay, but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

live answering service from On Point Executive Centercosts just a fraction of full-time pay!

Even the most committed employee has extra obligations during the holidays. 

Make sure you are prepared with extra help with our live answering service.

Skip the HR

Even if you are only looking for seasonal help, you will still have to complete onboarding for any new employee, no matter how temporary.

That means new hire paperwork. You will need to collect and process employee forms, such as a W-4 and I-9. There could be the time and expense of a background check and drug screen, and payroll brings more taxes to assess.

With a virtual receptionist, there is no drawn-out hiring process.

We take the work out of the process, getting you the help you need without the wait. There’s no paperwork, no training, and no downtime. 

It’s all possible with a virtual receptionist from On Point Executive Center.

Better Staff

The number one mistake many businesses make is not hiring enough staff. 

UPS and Amazon each plan to hire 100,000 workersthis holiday season, and yet many companies are struggling to fill those vacancies. 

Unemployment is down, so there isn’t enough help to be had. Many companies have already started their hiring process, and they are not finding the qualified, experienced candidates that they need.

Even if you have enough staff, you need to make sure you have the right kind of staff. Your business needs professionals who can jump into the fold quickly without interruption.

That’s where we come in. Our team of live answering specialists is highly professional with expert training and a friendly, warm personality. 

We are a warm and friendly introduction that welcomes clients to your business.

With our help, your business will still run smoothly during the holiday rush.

Flexible Scheduling

The holidays will likely change your operating hours, requiring extended hours and more closures than usual.

Nearly half of all companies include Christmas Eve as a paid holiday, and an overwhelming 75% of companies offer Black Friday as a paid holiday, as well. 

Some companies shut down the office for the whole week altogether.

A virtual receptionist and live answering service will keep your business going while your team enjoys a much-deserved break.

On Point Executive Center offers flexible hours that can cover your regular full-time staff when you need it.

In addition to ongoing services, we also offer a la carte services, so you have the help where and when you need it. There’s no need to hire someone for extended hours and support because a virtual receptionist will be there with all the help you need.

Better Business

In addition to saving your business time and money, a live answering service means that you never miss a call even when life calls you away from work.

It makes an enormous difference. 

92% of client interactioncomes from the phone, and yet 85% of callers are dissatisfiedwith their experience when calling a business.

That is where you have a golden opportunity to boost your business. 

Having a professional, friendly, and reliable receptionist is an enormous part of maintaining both customer satisfaction and growing sales. You also receive qualified leads, because we’ll filter out all of the spammers and bad leads.

Companies have already started preparing for the rush of business by hiring new staff. 

Don’t fall behind and lose business to your competitors.

A live answering service and virtual receptionist will make all the difference this holiday season!

Ready to get started? Call our team at 813-350-7800 and hear us in action today!
