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Great Alternatives for the Coffee-Conscious Individual

March 28, 2018

Detoxing from coffee is the internet’s newest big thing. Is it really bad for you? That’s not really up for us to decide, but there are a variety of reasons people are quitting it: caffeine sensitivity, weight loss, better sleeping schedules, or they just hate the taste! But if you’re afraid to take the next big step because you have to get up every morning to come to the shared office space, and are afraid your morning self may scare away your clients in our Tampa meeting spaces, don’t be afraid! Here are some ways to kick coffee out of your life and feel better about it.

Waking up just in time for a morning cup of coffee, and then leaving the house? Try an energetic breakfast. Try to aim for complex carbohydrates, protein, and certain fats to really get the most out of your mornings. Eggs, oatmeal with high-energy fruits, and yogurts are your best bet.

Drink more water! Symptoms of dehydration include afternoon fatigue, exhaustion, and lack of mental clarity! Instead of reaching for that afternoon cup in the break room at the virtual office, grab a cup of water. It’s recommended you get eight, 8-oz glasses a day.  Not only will it help you curb the urge for coffee, it will help to cut cravings for snacking and chocolate.

Everyone needs to move, especially if you’re going to be sitting at a desk all day. Exercise has been proven to give you more energy than caffeine, so why not exercise in the morning? Cardio really gets the blood flowing, but stretching and yoga can wake you up! Experiment and see what kinds of exercises you can stand in the morning.

After you quit coffee, you’ll probably find yourself sleeping better. For a while, you’ll be so tired you’ll fall right asleep when you get home. This will definitely help the lack of energy in the daytime.

If you’re not so caffeine-conscious so much as coffee-conscious, try a tea. Black teas generally have the highest amounts of caffeine, like English Breakfast or Earl Grey, but herbal teas can raise your energy levels naturally, like Ginseng and Ginger.

Keep a running list of all the ways giving up this source of caffeine is improving your life.

Things to avoid: energy drinks. If you’re quitting coffee, don’t start running to their worse counterpart, energy drinks. The high sugar and artificial flavors in energy drinks make them a lot easier to consume than bitter coffee, so before you know it you could drink more than the recommended amount.
