At our Tampa office, it’s easy to get busy and neglect self-care. Have you heard the term self-care a lot recently and wondered what it meant? The concept is quite simple: a person deciding that they need to take care of themselves and taking the initiative to do so. Whether on the road or working in an office, it’s important to take care of both your mental and physical health. After all, you have to learn the art of taking care of yourself in order to best take care of others.  While that may seem overwhelming, a ‘self-care kit’ is simple to assemble and can help get you through stressful times at work.

By Laura Hart

Here are ten ways to take care of yourself while plugging away during the work day:

  1. Keep lotion, chapstick, and hand sanitizer at your desk. Taking a break to sanitize and massage your hands can help you re-set and feel refreshed.
  2. Put photos or knick-knacks in your workspace that make you happy. You spend the majority of your day at work. Surround yourself with things that make you smile.
  3. Create a stack of positive quotes. Hang them up or keep in a box or drawer to look thru when you need an extra push.
  4. Keep a plentiful stash of healthy snacks for the day, like fruits, veggies, and nuts to help boost your brain during a long afternoon.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Keep a refillable bottle at your desk as a reminder.
  6. Treat yourself to tea or coffee in your favorite mug. You can even keep seasonal tea at your desk to change things up. Then you can have pumpkin spice chai all year round.
  7. Download podcast episodes to listen to at your desk or during your commute. Have the episodes ready to go so you can mentally recharge and engage with something that interests you.
  8. Give yourself a break. Take a lap around the office, make a quick phone call to a loved one or go to a quiet place to take some deep breaths. It’s important to move your body and step away from the screen sometimes.
  9. Pack a special lunch. Eating the same thing every day can get boring. Pack a fancy salad or your favorite pasta dish to help break up your day.
  10. Finally, surprise yourself. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen. It could be a new shirt in a men’s store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot, black coffee.






A lot of times your health gets overlooked, especially if you are super busy or stressed out at work. If you are not at your best, you will not put out your best work product. Try utilizing the 50/10 rule. That is where you give your all for 50 minutes and then allow 10 minutes for your body and mind to rest and feel refreshed. You can use those 10 minutes to massage your hands, grab some tea or coffee or close your eyes and think of nothing.

As you work through the list, consider doubling up and spontaneously treating a co-worker with a few of these items. Spreading kindness is infectious! They will appreciate your efforts and hopefully reciprocate in the future.

Always remember, the greatest wealth is health.  Cheers to a happy, healthy you!
