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December is National Write A Business Plan Month

December 18, 2015

If you have been considering starting your own virtual business, now is the perfect time to create your business plan because December is National Write A Business Plan Month! What are the elements of a good business plan, though? Do you need to spend a lot of time writing it out? Should you settle in at your office chair with your laptop and a big cup of coffee for hours and hours of drafting the perfect plan?

If you’re already becoming overwhelmed, fear not! We found an awesome business plan template that will answer all of your questions for what your business needs, and the best part is it all fits on just one page! It’s The Suitcase Entrepreneur Natalie Sisson’s one page business plan. Natalie is a virtual entrepreneur in the most extreme of ways because for the past five plus years she has been running her multiple six figure business out of her, you guessed it- suitcase! She has a home base now after all this time on the road, but if anyone understands the importance of a having a serious business plan for a business that can make money from anywhere in the world, it’s her! Below are the questions/sections she says you need to address for your business plan, and she also has a template you can download and use for free available HERE.

  1. Write out your mission – a sentence that gets your fired up on why you do what you do

  2. State your 5 main BHAGS – Big Hairy Audacious Goals (make them SMART goals too – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound)

  3. Write down 5 strategies to achieve those BHAGs

  4. After that, write down one figure – your total annual budget

  5. Then write your annual income projection

  6. Write out your Income Projections and very brief explanations of what makes up your revenue streams (this is how you get the figure for No 5.)

  7. Follow this with a section on Future income projection – all those things you really want to achieve that are part of your bigger vision

  8. State your total projected costs and expenses and follow with a brief explanation, e.g $8,000 pa (rent), $9,000 (contractors), $700 (phone) etc

  9. State your personal credentials (degrees, awards etc) to remind yourself why you’re `worth it’

  10. Finally, state your 2-3 areas of personal growth and skills you want to invest in this year such as coaching or courses

To learn more about Natalie and her thoughts on running a virtual business, visit her website.

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