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Business Coaches vs. Consultants

March 8, 2016

There are many people out there that are strong advocates for using a business coach, there are some who say you should use a consultant instead, and others still say that you need both a coach and a consultant. But, what’s the difference between a business coach and a business consultant?

A business coach encourages the talents you already have. They work with you on your goals and help you create a game plan. Think of a football or a basketball coach. You already have the talent to play the game, the coach is simply there to motivate you and help you strategize the best plays to make to get to the goal. A coach helps you with accountability and focus, while boosting your self-confidence. They are in your corner cheering you on to win the game!

Business coaching is the process of engaging in regular, structured conversation with a “client”: an individual or team who is within a business, profit or nonprofit organization, institution or government and who is the recipient of business coaching.

On the other hand a business consultant has a specific set of skills that they can teach you. They are an expert in their particular field and you go to them when you are seeking advice for that specific skill set. For example, if you need assistance with marketing, you would go to a marketing expert for advice and lessons on how to be better at marketing. They not only teach you how to do something, they teach you how to do it more efficiently. However, if you can’t do what they are teaching you, they will take over the tasks for you until you understand how to do it yourself. Where a coach handles big picture thinking, the consultant focuses on the pixels that make up the picture.

Business consultants provide an analysis of the existing practices of a company and make recommendations for improvements. These professionals frequently specialize in one area of business management, such as human resources.

So, when answering the question of whether you need a coach or a consultant, the answer might honestly be that you need just one, none or both. It depends on where you are at in your business and what your current struggles are and/or what your goals may be.

With today’s technology you can hire either of these locally or virtually.

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