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Celebrating Patriotism for America’s 242nd Birthday

July 1, 2018

Happy Birthday America!  We’ve seen many changes in this country of ours over the years, but one thing remains- our freedom. On July 4th, like every day, we get to enjoy our independence. Freedom and patriotism are so special to us and we thought we would share a few ideas for how you can celebrate the things that make America great this Fourth of July.

Proudly display the flag: Display it from your home, display it on your car, display it in your office or on your mailbox – just show it off!

Wear something red, white and blue. Paint your nails in patriotic colors or wear a shirt or hat with a flag print. If you’re feeling crafty perhaps you could get fabric paints and blank shirts and make a Fourth of July worthy outfit. You could even wear some nifty temporary tattoos for the day.

Make an Independence Day themed dessert: Enjoy a stars and stripes dessert pizza like this one, make a flag colored layered Jello-O treat like this or even an M&M candies cake like this!





Do a holiday related craft: If you have little ones at home you could make a pom-pom flag painting. Older kids might enjoy making flag themed shoes and adults can pull out the glue guns and wire cutters to make a really patriotic wreath.

And be sure to check out Carolyn Gillman’s (the mother of On Point Executive Center’s owner, Mark Gillman), beautiful patriotic song she wrote and recorded. Check it out here.

However you choose to celebrate and show your patriotism, we hope you have a wonderful, safe and Happy Fourth of July!  If you do anything fun and memorable, share a pic with us!  We would love to see how you celebrate America’s Birthday.

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