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3 apps that let you get the most out of your meetings

October 3, 2014

Meetings most likely don't enjoy the best reputation at your organization — all too often meetings leave participants checking their watches and wondering how much work they could be getting done instead. To make the most out of your next meeting, try leveraging that powerful piece of technology you keep in your pocket, your smartphone, to increase engagement and transform unproductive meetings into dynamic events. 

  • Agenda Maker: This self-explanatory app helps keep meetings from getting sidetracked and running over the allotted time. The meeting organizer can draft an agenda, then share it with all participants easily so they can add their own points or comments. The app can even sound an alarm when it is time to change talking points, keeping your meeting flowing. 
  • Timepali: In the age of globalization, meeting attendees are not always in the same time zone, never mind the same office. Timepali allows users to easily plan meetings across time zones, handles all the calculations for you, then sends out the invitation with warnings whether it will take place outside of normal business hours. 
  • Talking Points: This free app allows users to make a list of talking points for their presentation, and displays the information in large fonts so speakers can read it easily from the podium or tabletop. 

It is important that your organization leverages technology effectively to make meetings as productive as possible. That is why On Point Executive Center recently installed 70-inch touchscreen smartboards in our Tampa meeting rooms, that allow attendees dynamic options to display, analyze and distribute data. 
