3030 N. Rocky Point Drive W., #150 Tampa, FL 33607

The Difference Between a Work Group and a True Team
February 12, 2020
A successful team has great teamwork and is quite different from just a group of people working together. To call a group of people a team does not make it a true team. A true team has a clearly defined purpose with goals. Within the framework of the purpose and goals, all of the team members work together to achieve the goals. Successful teams achieve better results than people working alone or in silos; they work to the strengths of individuals and are more creative and productive.
Characteristics of Good Team Work
Teams that are productive and successful have the following characteristics. All of the characteristics are essential for high productivity and good morals.
- Open, direct and constructive communication
- Trust, respect and support of fellow team members
- Active listening techniques
- Participation and involvement
- Cooperation
- Valuing others and diversity
- Good problem-solving techniques
- Effective decision making
- Conflict resolution skills
- Responsibility and empowerment
- Ongoing team development
- Well-defined goals and objectives