Finish the Year Strong! Last Quarter Dates to Consider

October 15, 2019

By, Lauren Sheridan

Have you looked at the calendar lately? How many days are remaining in 2019? Time to plan for all the end of year events—coordinating company parties, gathering gift ideas, and booking that holiday photoshoot. We just had our last quarter meeting here at On Point Executive Center and thought we’d share some of the dates we’ve circled.

October Means… 

We have officially “Fall-en” head over heels for Autumn. Most people are well-aware of Halloween on the last day of the month, but did you remember Columbus Day (10/14) or National Boss’s Day (10/16)? As one of the ten federal holidays—and probably one of the most overlooked—banks and government offices are closed on Columbus Day. Celebrating National Boss’s Day is a great way to recognize our fearless leaders for all their hard work. If YOU are the boss, treat yourself! It never hurts to say “thank you” throughout the year!

Speaking of Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is synonymous with November, but it can easily sneak up on the timeline. This year Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday fall on November 28th, November 29th, and December 2nd, respectively. Veterans’ Day is Monday, November 11th when we honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. But before that, don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour earlier on Daylight Savings Time, November 3rd. 

Honest Reflections

December is a favorite time for many families with Christmas (12/25), Kwanzaa (12/26) and Festivus “for the rest of us” (12/23). 2020 is right around the corner, which means it’s a welcome time for honest reflections. 

Did you complete the goals you had hoped to reach? 

What areas of your career or relationships would benefit from realistic resolutions? 

What dreams have been waiting for you to take the first step?

What was your biggest triumph?

What was the smartest decision you made?

What one word best sums up and describes this years’ experience?
What was the greatest lesson you learned?

What was the most loving service you performed?
What is your biggest piece of unfinished business?

What are you most happy about completing this year?
Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life?

What was the biggest risk you took?

What was the biggest surprise?

What important relationship improved the most?

What compliment would you liked to have received?

What compliment would you like to have given?

What else do you need to do or say to feel complete about this past year and when will you make that happen?

If there is anything that we can do to help your business grow, please call or email usfor a suggestion of services you may have overlooked. 
