Conversation Starters for People Who Avoid Small Talk
I recently sat near a gentleman who expressed his loathing for attending social dinner functions. He said he never knows what to say to strangers and therefore finds these types of events daunting.

Do you ever find yourself in a similar situation? I shared with him the secret to ‘open-ended questions’. Open-ended questions are such that they require something other than a ‘no’ or a ‘yes’ for an answer. Open-ended questions are phrased as a statement which requires a response. They usually involve Five W’s: Who, What, When, Where and Why; and also How (which some people call the Six Ws—even though How isn’t technically a W). I suggested he memorize ten such questions and attend his next social dinner party armed and ready to give it a whirl.
Memorize a few of these and attend your next social function with ease.
Compliment their attire and then ask them where they enjoy shopping?
What is your favorite chain restaurant is?
What is your favorite local restaurant?
Where is your favorite place you ever have traveled to?
What is your favorite holiday?
What kind of vehicles do you prefer?
Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
What types of movies do you enjoy?
What is a piece of trivia about yourself you do not mind sharing?
What do you think of our current President? (NO NO NO NO NO! Just kidding on that question. Never bring up in-laws, politics or religion)
And, you may enjoy a past article called Networking Tips for People Who Hate Networking.

Have a few questions for us to add to our list? Send them in and we just might feature YOU on our blog!