Things to Consider Before Marrying a Salesman
Guest blog by, Jessica Santiago
Most sales jobs require long hours (even from a sales person at a virtual office), odd hours, or a combination of both. Unplanned client meetings, being on call over the weekends and late nights completing paperwork are all something a salesperson’s spouse must be ready to accept. Even the most seasoned of sales reps can’t tune out their work-related emotions when they get home, therefore the spouse must make sure they understand that what they’re going through is perfectly reasonable for the job.
One skill all great salespeople possess is that of being a great listener and allowing the customer to talk. We all like to talk about ourselves, so marry someone in sales, and they will listen. They also know the right questions to ask how to get someone to open up. Salespeople
can sense tension or irritation and the know correct things to say to put someone at ease. This is useful in building an open dialect in a relationship.
Everyone says that marriage is work, Well, there isn’t a job out there that is tougher than sales. Salespeople are willing to put in the time and effort to seal the deal! Another excellent quality in marrying a salesperson is how they know how to compromise with their customers on timing, budget, and everything else.
A good marriage is made-up of two people willing to focus on giving over receiving and able to take the good with the bad. A beautiful thing about a good salesperson is that they are invested in their relationships. So I am grateful that my husband is on top of his game managing both.