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10 Ways to Make Your Day at the Office More Comfortable

March 26, 2018

By Emma Adamson

Sitting all day in a cubicle or office can leave you with aching pains and a bad attitude towards your work day!  But, a trip to our meeting space in Tampa at our virtual office shouldn’t leave you with anything but smiles! Don’t be afraid to compromise comfort with style with these 10 ways to make your workday instantly better.

1. Shoe inserts

Dr. Scholl’s, Powerstep, and Envelop are all brands that have a variety of shoe inserts for both men and women. They take the edge off of wearing uncomfortable professional shoes all day, so you never have to compromise style for comfort.

2. Standing Desks

Who wants to stand all day? Well, you do. You never really think about how uncomfortable  sitting at a desk from 9-5 can be until you’ve done it every day since forever. Standing desks can improve circulation, posture, and help you live longer. Start slow and get ready for some supersized core muscle strength!

3. Standing Mats

People who stand all day for their jobs, like your Starbucks baristas, typically have a non-slip gel mat to keep things comfortable. If you can hide one behind your new standing desk, try one on for size. It can make a world of difference.

4. Mouse Wrist Pillow Pads

They might take a little getting used to with a new angle to use your mouse at, but they have

some serious benefits. Carpal tunnel can be avoided by being careful with your hands and wrists, especially during working hours.  For extra relief, toss your wrist pillow in the freezer while you are on your lunch break!

5. Chair Pillows

Standing not an option? We understand. Try a gel or memory foam pillow to keep your back straighter and you more comfortable.

6. Keep a Sweater Nearby

If you’re working in a business casual office you may not have the benefit of a blazer to keep you warm, pack a sweater and hide it in an available drawer so clients don’t see it unless you’ve got it on.

7. Take Breaks From the Computer

Or change the settings on the computer screen to be a less harsh yellow. Don’t be afraid to take coffee breaks and get away from the computer, especially if your office doesn’t have windows. Searching on your phone? Stand up and take a stroll while you scroll.

8. Keep a Personal Coffee Pot Nearby

If you have your own personal office with enough space, keep a personal coffee pot near you.  It helps when all the office has is a Keurig and you like a French Press, and it never hurts to   have some extra caffeine nearby.

9. Air Purifier or Fan

Have allergies? Spring flowers, while pretty, can flare up the seasonal allergies. Try an air purifier or a fan to keep that pollen away.

10. Remember to Eat Lunch & Drink Water

Running around all day can mean you forget to have lunch. Keep it in mind by having a small desk fridge nearby that can fit only your lunch, if your shared office space allows it. And don’t forget to drink your water!

We at On Point Executive Center hope that these tips help you feel more comfortable in whatever space you’re working from!

If you’re still not getting what you need out of your current space, try leasing with us full time in our Tampa Executive Suites. Call us today at (813) 350-7800 to talk about leasing full time.
