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So You Want to be an Entrepreneur highlighting Tori Molnar

June 12, 2015

Every day more and more women and men are starting their own journey of entrepreneurship. The idea of the freedom to be your own boss, make your own rules and dictate your own future is so enticing, it’s no wonder there are more people abandoning traditional nine to five gigs than ever before. If you want to hop on the entrepreneurial bandwagon, what are the first steps? We caught up with Tori Molnar, President and CEO of Utoria to ask her about it and here’s what she had to say:

Find successful mentors – The best people to teach you are the people who have been there and have made it to where you want to go. This could be a person in the field you want to be in or just someone who has the kind of work ethic you would like to mimic.

Research and learn as much as you can – The more you know the better! You might find in the research phase new ideas for how you want to launch your business or even that you want to start a different business entirely from your initial plan.

Get out there and do it – Experience is the best teacher and you won’t know what you are and are not capable of until you just try already! Even if you aren’t 100% ready, just start. As you go along you can learn what works and what doesn’t and with every step forward you are getting closer to the goal of success.


Awesome tips Tori! So, what is Utoria? Utoria is the online & IRL (in real life) community where you get all of the knowledge, tools, resources, and support you need to be a successful entrepreneur. Its mission is “To help young women blossom and evolve authentically while they become savvy entrepreneurs, financially independent, and have fun!” Learn more about Utoria here.

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