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Conquering Working Dad Guilt

June 17, 2015

We recently saw an article on LearnVest about “Working Dad Guilt”. Intrigued, we decided to read it and summarize its findings for you below. If you would like, you can read the full article here.

The gist of working dad guilt is that fathers feel guilty over their inability to have a decent work –life balance. For example, one dad asked his boss for paternity leave to be with his newborn and his boss nearly laughed him out of the office. Amazingly enough, many employers have the mindset that men don’t need paternity leave as their place is in the office, not at home regardless of if they have a newborn. The good news is there is a shift towards paternity leave equality for men and women, but the bad news is it’s not a national push and certainly not a legal requirement among employers. Then again, maternity leave isn’t a legal requirement either. In fact, this mindset is what prompts many dads (and moms) to change their hours, ask for more flexible work arrangements or start their own businesses so that they can have more time with their families.

There is also a massive change in the narrative about how men and women approach the idea of starting a family. Where the topic of having kids once prompted employers to offer men additional hours and projects, the question dads are pondering now is “how will I make time to bond with my kids?” It’s truly interesting to see how much people are realizing that more time at home and at our children’s extracurricular activities is taking center stage over higher salaries and extended work hours. It used to seem like working all hours with little time at home was a measure of success, but now those who can have a work- life balance are deemed the truly successful.

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