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Become a Guest on a Podcast

November 7, 2016

There are a lot of ways that you can be seen as the expert in your field, and one great way is by becoming a guest on podcasts. Getting interviewed on podcasts can increase the number of potential clients that you get to reach. However, there are a few questions that you need to ask yourself like what podcasts you should try to be interviewed on and how to go about getting the host to know who you are. Below are the key strategies that you can use to pull this off in the best of ways possible and increase your client base to a wider audience.

Target Podcasts That Cater to Your Potential Clients

Get to know what kind of podcasts is the best suited for you and the kind of work that you intend to do. There are thousands of podcasts out there and odds are you know someone you hosts one that you would be perfect for. Look for ones that people with the same business or expertise as you have been on as this is exactly what you need to be among the experts.

What to Talk About

You should make a list of topics that you will talk about ahead of time that will not only show off your expertise, but also make for good information your host will want to share with their audience. For example, if you’re a nutritionist and will be talking to an audience of fitness instructors you can give the audience ideas for ways they can incorporate nutrition into their fitness classes. Think “Abs begin in the kitchen.”

Make Time for the Recording

Find out when you will be interviewed and prepare for it thoroughly ahead of time. Remember that you are selling your brand to people out there that are looking for your set of skills, so make sure that you do sell yourself for all you’re worth.

When the day comes for your interview, allot 30 minutes ahead of time and 30-60 minutes afterward to ensure that if the interviewer needs you earlier or the interview runs late you won’t miss out on the opportunity.

Additional tips

– Listening to previous episodes of that podcast will help you determine if you’re a good fit and/or what topics to discuss

– Avoid podcasts that have nothing to do with your field unless you have something exceptionally relevant to offer

– Don’t wing it

– Start small with smaller podcasts to then use as social proof that you deserve to be on the big name podcasts

– After the podcast goes live be sure to announce it on your website and your social media pages

– For more assistance, check out our post on media interviews which may help you in preparing for your upcoming podcast interview.

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