Liza Marie Garcia, author at On Point Book Fair

Business women of the Tampa Bay area you truly missed out if you didn’t attend the 2nd annual On Point Book Fair and grab your autographed copy of Never Drink Coffee During a Business Meeting, written by Liza Maria Garcia. Liza’s book “grabs young businesswomen by their stilettos and launches them on a journey of…

Timezone conflict. Need product key for Office 365.

I recently traveled out of the country with my MAC and a pile of work to get caught up on.  After recovering from jet-lag, setting up my virtual shop poolside and proceeding to get down to business I soon learned that my Outlook Office 365 Office for Mac would not open! After googling for hours,…

Giving Your Customers a Peek Behind the Scenes – Why You Should Do It

Content marketing is and has been a successful marketing strategy for virtual business owners. There are many facets to it, but the driving force behind it is customer engagement and trust. One of the most beneficial ways to use content to not only increase your sales but to win customer trust is by showcasing the…

How to Launch an Effective Crowdfunding Campaign

With the popularity of crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter, Go Fund Me, IndieGogo and others like them, getting funding for your business idea is easier than ever before. Businesses world wide are using crowdfunding campaigns to launch products, publish books, design apps, make films, produce albums and more. Here is a quick guide to how to…

De-Cluttering Your Home Helps You in Business

Here’s an experiment: Picture walking into two different offices. One has a simple desk and chair, large windows, clutter-free surfaces and is painted in a bright color. The other office is dark. There or no windows/ small windows, lots of files, books and cabinets throughout the room and almost no free surface. Which office do…

Become a Guest on a Podcast

There are a lot of ways that you can be seen as the expert in your field, and one great way is by becoming a guest on podcasts. Getting interviewed on podcasts can increase the number of potential clients that you get to reach. However, there are a few questions that you need to ask…

7 Ways to Boost Your Business Visibility

It doesn’t matter how amazing your products and services are, if you are not being found, your business isn’t making money. All hope is not lost, however. Below you’ll find seven ways to boost your business’s visibility to keep the sales coming in all year long. Get featured in the newspaper, on television or the…

5 Common Mistakes Made in Virtual Businesses

As virtual business owners, everything that happens in our business is up to us. We must always keep an eye on the things that bottleneck our productivity, and work on the systems that can boost are bottom line. That being said, there are some common mistakes virtual business owners make, and we’re sharing five with…